Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Flash Is Too Bright On My Camera Philiups PT44434 Digital Camera Flash Too Bright?

Philiups PT44434 Digital Camera Flash too Bright? - flash is too bright on my camera

My sister has allowed me, a digital camera that is cheap to borrow, but are not actually used. The flash settings are just not "solve On", "Off" and "Auto" which is the problem.
If the image is white wash or remove features, and the faces of ECT. Outside of the image is too dark to see anything. If the car is only the flash no matter what happens.
I have tried to take pictures at different distances, but that has not helped, either. The effects appear similar problem.
Is there a way to soften the flash or something to fix the Flash?


RuthieGi... said...

HELLO there ...

Unfortunately, no one has tried to answer your question. But I'll try. If only the ON / OFF / automatic settings, the device was not designed to do something very dramatic. The flash is very bright and burn / wash that everything is relative, close it.

I have a solution that I had to use my flashes are really great and very powerful. Take a small piece of cloth and tape in place on the flash. This acts as a diffuser to soften the amount of light. Try using only one layer of fabric on the first ... If this is not even enough tone, fold the fabric to make two levels. Now that band is not to flash move ... because it's pretty warm. Only the band, where the tissue for the flash. Try ... It works for me ... I had the idea to a few photography books that I read.

Thank you for reading. :))

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